diaper bag travel packing list

April 8, 2021



Before I travel, I like to make lists of things I need to remember but now more than ever, it is so important that I make a diaper bag packing list!

This is not an exhausted list and for sure will change with each age and most likely with each trip! But right now Cayden is almost 8 months old and these items have been very helpful on the plane rides we have taken so far!

If you are looking for a “traveling with a baby” blog, I do have one from when he was a newborn that you can find HERE.

Below you will find the list. All items that are underlined are linked with what we personally have and use!

OKAY! Now for the diaper bag packing list!

  • Diaper bag: this may seem obvious, but now that little man is older, I use a carry on shoulder bag rather than a standard backpack diaper bag. This gives me so much more room and I can easily find things!
  • Diapers: I put them in a zip lock bag so I can squeeze the air out to take up less room. I also bring about 1 for every hour we will be gone depending on the trip! You never know when you might be delayed while traveling.
  • Wipes
  • Plastic Bags: these are great for dirty diapers or any clothes that end of getting wet or dirty, including your own sometimes! lol This way you don’t have to throw them in your bag all gross, you can wrap them up.
  • Noise machine and charger: make sure it is charged or that you bring the charger! We haven’t noticed needing it on the plane at all, but through the airport it has been really helpful!
  • Bottles: I like to bring a few because you can’t always clean them very well! I also like to bring at least one slower flow nipple to allow it to take longer for him to finish the bottle. Take off and landing are much longer than little man’s fast ability to finish his bottle.
  • Formula/Breastmilk
  • Blanket: either to put on the seat, cover your little one, or just have something soft and comfy for them while flying.
  • Cover: Something dark to throw over car seat if your little one has their own seat or yourself if little one is trying to nap
  • Toys: I usually bring a crinkly book and something that lights up along with a few others.
  • Snacks: Lately I have also been bringing THESE pacifiers you can fill up. I usually put little pieces of apple inside because they don’t create a big mess and they keep him occupied for a while! Also great if they are teething! 
  • Front pack Carrier: You can’t wear them during take off but might come in handy if you are flying alone or have a little one who likes to sleep on you 
  • Pacifier & Connector Cord: You don’t want those dropping on the airplane floor!
  • 2 extra outfits: (1 or 2 for baby and at least a shirt for you)
  • Bibs: These help us with needing less outfit changes if you have a drooler!
  • Changing Pad: We love THIS changing pad carrier! We can have our wipes, diapers, creams, etc all in one thing which makes the trip back to the tiny bathroom of the airplane much more organized.
  • Burp clothes and/ or swaddle blankets: We love using swaddle blankets as larger burp clothes as well as spreading them on the seat. 
  • Hand sanitizer: The one from Tubby Todd is my current favorite. I don’t use it one Cayden but knowing that it is safe for kids makes me feel a little better about using it and then touching all of his stuff including him.

Like I said, this is not an exhausted list but it has been very helpful for our travels! If you think of other helpful items, please comment them down below!

Hope you found this helpful! 🙂

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