Current Daily Routine with Supplements and Vitamins
In the last 7 weeks since Cayden was born, I have really been trying to stay on top of my daily routine with supplements and vitamins. Let’s be honest, sometimes we have no idea where the heck the day goes so it is a huge accomplishment to remember to take our vitamins!
One thing that has helped me, either set them out the night before so they are ready to go for you in the morning, or set an alarm and have it repeat daily in order to remind you! For some reason taking our vitamins can easily slip our minds! Or if you are like me, you forget which day it is and can’t remember if you already took them for that day haha
Whether you are postpartum or not, you could find many of these supplements and vitamins very helpful!
Before diving into the products I take, I want to emphasize that supplements are used to bridge a gap in our diet. If and when you can get something from a whole food source, that will be your best option!
But if you are anything like me, or if you are a new mama yourself, more often than not that just doesn’t happen. Or if you have a specific goal, sometimes supplements can help us achieve that a little faster.
So in that case, I personally lean on supplements to help me bridge those gaps!
You might read some of these and be like, “oh yes I NEED that!” And others you might just say, “eh, I’m good.” That’s the beauty of it, it’s for YOUR personal needs and goals.
I use to always start my day with protein coffee, you can find how to make that HERE, but with Cayden I haven’t figured out how to enjoy a cup of coffee quite yet and I also do not like having something that hot in my hands when I’m with him. Hot mess express over here
So I have switched it up and make a massive “Morning Magic” concoction! I take a 20-30 ounces water bottle and add:
Whenever I finally have the time to eat my first meal, I take my vitamins.
Prior to pregnancy and trying to conceive, rather than the prenatals, I used the Micro Factor Pack which is a full spectrum micronutrient pack, not just a multivitamin.
When I workout, I always take the POST WORKOUT STACK with Phormula 1 and Ignition
Used together: Ignition helps replenish the glycogen stores (essentially our gas tank) that we drained during a workout, then shuttles the protein (Phormula 1) directly into our muscles. This. gets the recovery process started right away and allows the body to get back into the anabolic state where we are burning fat and building/maintaining muscle.
Without ignition: our body will first breakdown and convert some of the protein into glycogen to replenish the glycogen stores and THEN shuttle the left over protein into our muscles resulting in LESS protein uptake and takes longer for the body to get back into the state of recovery.
I will use Level 1 protein in my morning coffee which I briefly mentioned above, or I will use it for baking or simply on it’s own when I am short on protein.
LEVEL 1 is a slow digesting protein. It mimic the digestion of a whole food source so it keeps us fuller longer. I always recommend getting in about 1 gram of protein per pound of goal bodyweight so Level 1 is a product I use often when I am struggling to hit my daily protein goal. I have also noticed that as a new mama ANYTHING that is grab and go is amazing! So this is a winner for me!
Are there fat burners? Yes. Are there things to help me focus? Yes! All of us will have different wants and needs when it comes to our health and fitness goals as well as our lifestyles.
Feel free to click on THIS link and see if some of your needs can be met through these products!
And again, supplements are used to bridge a gap in our diet so do not feel like they are needed in order to reach your goals!
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Are you anything like me where you had this age in your head where you ASSUMED you would have it all figured out? Good, because me too. In this podcast I hope you find yourself inspired and motivated to enjoy the journey you are on but also learn to appreciate when things feel like somewhat of a hot mess.