Don’t Stop, Just Re-Write.
It does not always go as planned but DON’T STOP! Just re-write. Your story is just as beautiful even if a few chapters of your book change along the way.
June 5th, 2020, was the due date for our first little bub. We did not know the gender of the baby but I had a mother’s intuition that is was a boy so I kept referring to the little one as “bub.”
When we miscarried back in November at 11.5 weeks pregnant I honestly had NO idea how I was suppose to take my next steps forward.
Being a planner and seeing that it was my first time being pregnant, I started to plan and imagine how it was all going to unfold.
The moment all of these “plans” were no longer going to unfold how I imagined they would, I allowed everything to stop.
But that’s where I was wrong.
Yes my story was changing. Yes the chapters I was beginning to outline needed to be edited within my book.
But stopping was not the answer. I simply had to re-write.
My story is just as incredible. My chapters are unfolding exactly the way they were intended to unfold 🙏🏼
We are now 30 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby and he or she is SO damn loved! 🌈
I don’t forget the chapters that have now been re-written, but rather keep them as my first draft to the beautiful book that is coming together now.
So whatever book you are writing, whatever chapter you have had to outline and then outline again, DON’T STOP! Just re-write.
“I will not cause pain without something new to be born” – Isaiah 66:9
“Difficult roads often lead to a beautiful destination.” – Zig Zaglar
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Are you anything like me where you had this age in your head where you ASSUMED you would have it all figured out? Good, because me too. In this podcast I hope you find yourself inspired and motivated to enjoy the journey you are on but also learn to appreciate when things feel like somewhat of a hot mess.