Alright! We are officially home from our vacation and it is time to give you the Club Med Punta Cana review so many of you have been asking about!
First of all, we LOVE Club Med! For most of my life, all of our family vacations were to Club Med, then I worked there which is how I met Casey, and this trip was our first time being able to bring little man which made it so special to us!
Club Med Punta Cana is a HUGE resort! I think it is the largest Club Med. It can hold 2,000 guests! The resort is set up in an amazing way so it feels like things are fairly spread out, however, I am not sure how I would like it at full capacity.
With the pandemic, the resort was fairly empty while we were there. I think there was maybe 200-300 guests so our group of 14 felt like we had the entire place to ourselves in a way!
I want to review this from a few different views: family trip with kiddos, getaway trip, or honeymoon!
AMAZING! First of all, where can you go with THREE generations and everyone has a great time! We went with my parents as well as Casey’s parents and we all enjoyed ourselves!
They offer baby club starting at 4 months old and the staff was WONDERFUL! The childcare did cost us an extra $400 US dollars for the week, but Cayden was free for us otherwise so it was worth it to us!
Thankfully Cayden did amazing since we had never dropped him off at childcare before so this was definitely a concern but he did great! They had all different activities planned throughout the day and always informed us parents on what was going on in case we wanted to come take a sneak peak. Honestly he thrived while there and I think the different surroundings really helped his development as well!
One thing as a parent/mom that I loved, is they asked about his normal routine, they asked about foods I allowed or didn’t allow, overall they did an amazing job meeting the needs of the parents and children.
For nap time they had a great little room called the “cocoon” which was a very dark room with cribs and they asked if the baby liked to be held while sleeping, rocked to sleep, placed in the crib, did baby have a lovey, sound machine, literally everything was asked!
One thing I do want to inform you on is that there was definitely a language barrier and if you ever felt like a question was not being asked or you were not given all the information, you just had to be a little proactive! Every time I dropped Cayden off, they had a clipboard asking when his last nap was or when he woke up as well as when his last bottle was. Then when we picked him up, they told me how many wet diapers he had, how many ounces he drank, how many solids he ate, as well as how long his nap was with a starting time and ending time. I LOVED this!
When we dropped him off, we did need to pack him a little bag with all of his needs such as diapers, wipes, formula, sunscreen, sleep sack etc. but I liked this because then I knew it was all stuff he was use to as well as things I knew I approved of.
In addition to childcare, there are “baby corners” in the restaurant for any food or milk you might need. They also have a sanitizing room that was open 24/7 and made bottle washing SO easy! There was also a fridge in there with baby food and formula in case you needed it!
I did bring THIS little sanitizer bag which was really nice to throw all the bottle nipples into as well as his pacifiers just to get some extra sanitizing. And then I did buy THIS little travel bottle washing brush kit which was really convenient to have!
If you have kiddos that are older, no worries! There are different childcare options all the way up to teenagers! I actually spent most of my vacation days in the kids club and met people from all over the world!
Don’t forget, the resort was pretty empty while we were there so there were not many kids, but had there been more, they would have had more staff (Cayden basically had one on one care!). The staff is highly qualified and trained to work with their specific age group and I swear anytime we saw them throughout the village, they always said hello to him by name which was so sweet!
One last note on childcare! It does end at 5pm for the babies but the resort offers babysitters for an additional cost if you would like! The babysitters are local so they are not Club Med staff, however they are also extremely qualified! We actually got a babysitter every single night for 2 hours from 9-11pm so that Casey and I could enjoy the shows and stay out a little later.
Our babysitter was UNREAL! She had a little two year old of her own back home and this was her primary job. The resort does take a very large percentage of her pay so we tipped her very well at the end. It cost us about $36 US dollars a night to have her for the 2 hours and she had to take a one hour bus ride both directions to be there for our little one. It was definitely an eye opening experience but one that we are thankful for!
Overall, incredible family trip with kiddos and I didn’t even touch on all the stuff the parents and grandparents can be doing while your little one is being cared for!
Time for vacation! I think we all need that right now!
Like I said above, there is honestly something for everyone! From amazing views during your meals, to guided workout classes on the beach, to an amazing gym, to trapeze, or sailing, or just reading a book on the beach, I don’t know anyone who couldn’t find something they love!
I think if I was to be traveling without kids, or maybe even with kids, I would try to go outside of school breaks. Since this is a very accommodating resort for families, I imagine it is packed with people and kiddos during holiday breaks so I would keep that in mind!
The number one thing we love about any Club Med is the simplicity of it! You literally arrive, you put your credit card in at the front desk IF you happen to charge your room for anything like we did with the babysitting, and then you get a bracelet which is your room key and your all inclusive access to everything and you are good to go! You already paid for everything when you booked (yes even your drinks!) and you just enjoy yourself!
Whether it is your honeymoon or maybe you just want a getaway trip that is entirely relaxing, they have the perfect options for this! I was blown away! I had not been back to Club Med Punta Cana in 10 years a lot had changed!
There are two options that I would recommend if you are wanting the luxury experience! Either the “Tiara Exclusive Collection Space” or the “Zen Oasis”
The “Tiara Exclusive Collection Space” is a 5 star (Club Med uses the word trident instead of star) area with private villas that can accommodate those looking for a luxurious experience including families! If you click on THIS link, you can stroll down and click on “Tiara Exclusive Collection Space” to learn more.
We did get to enjoy an evening cocktail over there because we were invited by the General Manager and honestly it was stunning! A bit far a away from the center of the village but if you are looking for that ultimate getaway, this might be for you!
Then there is the “Zen Oasis.” This was amazing! We went one afternoon while Cayden was in baby club because this area is Adults Only! It gave Casey and I all the honeymoon vibes but with a sense of energy! Our honeymoon at a Club Med in the Maldives was amazing but a little too low key.
The rooms in the “Zen Oasis” are more spa like and the area has a huge pool with a stunning bar! It was honestly beautiful! Just like above, if you click on THIS link and scroll down, you will see where you can click on “Zen Oasis” to read more!
I hope this was helpful! We LOVE Club Med so much and think that it is wonderful that they are expanding in a way that can accommodate so many travel desires!
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Are you anything like me where you had this age in your head where you ASSUMED you would have it all figured out? Good, because me too. In this podcast I hope you find yourself inspired and motivated to enjoy the journey you are on but also learn to appreciate when things feel like somewhat of a hot mess.